उद्यानविद्या महाविद्यालय, जि. परभणी - ४३१ ४०२ (महाराष्ट्र)

College of Horticulture Dist. Parbhani - 431 402 (Maharashtra)

Faculties with ORCID iD and Scopus ID

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Designation ORCID ID Scopus Id
1 Dr B. M. kalalbandi Associate Professor 0009-0007-7753-5846 --
2 Dr. G. P. Jagtap Associate Professor 0000-0001-8072-5375 24463373700
3 Dr. A. S. Lohakare Assistant Professor 0009-0004-4139-2861 57192036216
4 Dr. S. G. Khandagale Assistant Professor (Contractual) 000-0002-4183-682x --